Friday, August 17, 2012

Vending Machine Round 1 & Syrup

I forgot to leave all of the money home and had $1 so my craving drug me to the vending machine and ate a Snicker's bar. That said, according to the MyNetDiary app I'm still under my calorie budget.

I had syrup for dinner (with a few pancakes with it). 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Evil Vending Machine

BMI 26.1
Calories 2387
Feeling: (Lousy = 0, Great = 10) 3
Feeling fat with heartburn

As with many days I started the day with a well provisioned lunch box. Stress & cravings at work contributed to my visiting the vending machine... four times. The vending machine is a major problem in my healthy eating objectives.

Tomorrow I'll solve this by taking no money to work.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

No Progress but Hanging in

I've made no progress in my eating goals since the last post but I am not giving up.

BMI = 26.1