Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Netflix, Blockbuster, and Amazon Prime

Netflix did and about face on their two websites deal but not the price increase.

In American business you can go from hero to villain quickly and thus it is with the Netflix CEO. I felt sorry for the guy. He made a miscalculation and botched the communication and people are ready to crucify the guy.

Netflix is still a good deal and has by far the best selection. $8 a month is a steal to have instant on demand access to thousands of commercial free movies and television shows.

That said, I was not willing to go for a total price of $16 for the DVD's as well.

I tried Blockbuster's rental service to get access to the video games but quickly found that most of the titles I was interested in have very long or long wait times. We'll try the free service for a month but are very unlikely to keep paying the $10 a month. Our public library has less wait times for most game titles and it is totally free.

We also signed up for a free trial of Amazon Prime but the movie selection looks bleak compared to Netflix.

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