Saturday, November 19, 2011

Netflix, Blockbuster, & Amazon Prime Update

We dropped the DVD part of Netflix and kept the $7.99 per month streaming.

The kids decided that $10 a month was too much for renting video games when we can get them for free at the Library so we dropped Blockbuster.

Amazon Prime won't play on the Wii so we dropped that.

Netflix wins for now but if Amazon can get their selection up and make Amazon Prime play on the Wii we'll probably switch to that service.

Enlisting Aid at $1 Per Incident

Waking up in the morning with that familiar bad taste in my mouth and the daily coughing and heartburn should be sufficient motivation to improve. To avoid all of the bad foods, but no. No it is not.

Just one piece of candy from the work bowl sets off the cravings and drives me to the vending machine or the candy bowl again.

I made a deal with my son that if he catches me eating any food with more than 4 grams of sugar per serving he gets $1.

Today's losses stand at $1.00 so far.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Simplified Plan

Being depressed and angry won't get me any skinner but making and executing a plan will.

I have failed in all attempts in the past but current failure does not make it so that I cannot succeed in the future.

Here is the plan based extremely loosely on the food pyramid from The Culprit and the Cure by Steven G. Aldana.

These are my mimimums:

  • Eight servings of whole grains
  • Five servings of vegetables
  • Two servings of fruits
  • One serving of dairy or a calcium supplement
  • One serving of protein
  • 45 minutes of exercise every day
  • Wake up by 5:30 am every day
These are the minimums. I can eat as much of any of the above that I want but the minimums must be done every day unless I am fasting.

The following are to be avoided completely:
  • refined sugar except in regular whole wheat bread, pasta, or similar whole wheat product
  • white rice or bread products
  • sugar substitutes except honey

Here are the problems that I expect to have and my plans to overcome the problems:

Eating too much at dinner - load up a small plate or bowl once and do not get seconds
Avoiding candy and the vending machine at work - Leave my money in the car
Staying up too late thus making it hard to get up in the morning. - All screens and speakers are off at 8:30 pm.

Tomorrow is day one.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dieting Disaster... The Last Time

Since my last writing my dieting has been a disaster. Each day is going to be the last time I eat poorly. It is depressing and embarrassing.

Sugar has to be a drug and is addictive similar to a drug.