Monday, September 12, 2011

Days 9 and 10

Yesterday I had some spicy salad dressing. I blame the salad dressing for the sour stomach I woke up with today.

Today I ate only natural foods but at what should be bedtime the belching and upset stomach make sleep a long time coming from here.

Despite my meals being all natural I ate a large quantity of sugar. Natural sugar, yes, but still sugar. I had grape juice. I also had spinach, broccoli, carrots, and celery all put together in a nasty tasting 12 + ounces of juice. After work I had dates, agave nectar, a grapefruit, and more grape juice.

Quite a few cashews also went down the gullet.

The only non caveman thing I ate was about two ounces of puffed rice.

I know that foods high in sugar make heartburn worse. I also suspect that the juice didn't help. At any rate my stomach is not happy right now.

Perhaps I should just not eat at all.

BMI = 25.7

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